ENG518 GDB Spring 2024 – GDB – Solution VU

ENG518 GDB Spring 2024 – GDB – Solution VU

ENG518 GDB Spring 2024 Solution idea:


Q. Many researchers find out that quantitative research is the best method in English language teaching as it researches four language skills, different aspects, teaching methods, motivation, language testing, and assessment by using statistical techniques of research. But some scholars also argue that quantitative research is unable to focus on the multiple meanings of individual experiences, in-depth information uses and strategies of inquiry like the qualitative research method. In the light of the above information, which of the methods would you favour for English language research and why?

Qualitative techniques give you a unique depth of understanding which is difficult to gain from a closed question survey. Respondents can freely disclose their experiences, thoughts, and feelings without constraint. Qualitative methods offer a dynamic approach to research, where the researcher has an opportunity to follow up on answers given by respondents in real-time, generating valuable conversation around a subject – something which isn’t possible with a structured survey.

Whilst the facts and figures generated by quantitative research are undoubtedly useful, you can often be left looking for the ‘why’ behind the stats. This is where qualitative research is key, as respondents have the opportunity to freely elaborate on their answers.

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted” (Albert Einstein)

Online qualitative research methods are a relatively new approach within the field but come with their own unique benefits. Online methods make qualitative research more accessible by taking away the constraints of traditional techniques. For example, collecting data via a traditional focus group can be time-consuming and costly, whereas conducting an online focus group removes the cost of participant travel, venues, and transcriptions, as well as logistically being easier to manage.

Furthermore, by not being face-to-face with the moderator, respondents are likely to feel anonymous and therefore are more likely to give the most honest answers. This also helps alleviate moderator bias; body language, expressions, tone of language is all possible sources of bias in a face-to-face environment, something which is eradicated by online methods.

There are many ways in which online qualitative techniques can specifically be useful for conducting market and consumer research. For example, if a brand needs to clarify or test new marketing messages, focus groups can be the perfect way to gain honest feedback. Qualitative methods can also be used to help construct new ideas for how to improve or fine-tune a product, as well as learning how a brand matches its target audience. Overall, for an in-depth insight into how a brand/product is viewed by the general consumer, qualitative research has the perfect tools.

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