CS625 VU Solved Assignment Fall 2019

Question no. 1:                                                                                                                               5 Marks
Organizations around the world always strive to achieve the highest standards of Integrity and actions to conduct their business in a responsible and ethical way. For this purpose, IEEE has defined principles of code of ethics for these organizations to achieve this environment.  
Identify in which principle of code of ethics does the following cases fall:  
Software engineers should develop software for the organization that must be of quality and meet professional standards set by the organization.
Employees need to perform their professional responsibilities.
They also need to promote the practices and learning in an ethical approach.A software engineer should always be open-minded and supportive of his colleagues.
Software engineers need to maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.
Software Engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interest of their client and employer.
Question no. 2:                                                                                                                            5 Marks  
Zachtech is a multinational company known for developing quality software products. For the past one year, the company is facing a problem for not generating enough yearly revenue. The main reason is that resources to carry out the task of developing products are not being managed properly which resulted delays in product completion. For this purpose, the company wants to hire a person who will be responsible for overcoming this loss, the company is facing. Which type of person the company should hire? Justify your answer with valid reason.  

Question no. 3:                                                                                                                                   5 Marks
Citrus bit is a software company which is known for developing embedded system. Lately the company has formed a software team which will be working on a complex system. The team will be mainly responsible for development of the system. However, in order to carry out the development activities smoothly, services of a person are required who will be managing those activities, so that the resulting system may meet the user requirements within the allocated budget and time.    
Carefully read the above-mentioned scenario and answer who will be responsible to carry out this task? Also justify your answer with valid reason(s).
NOTE: Submit “.doc” file only. Every student should provide his/her own work, exact copying of the assignment (or some portion of the assignment) from the internet or other students will lead to copy case and zero marks will be awarded. Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then email us at CS625@vu.edu.pk     Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before.

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